[tlhIngan Hol] My list of 19 new words revisited

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Jul 28 06:40:18 PDT 2017

Aargh!  You are right of course: It would be {tlhInganpu’ Qup }, {nuv Qup }, {jatlhwI’pu’ Qup }, {puq poH Qup }, etc.  I have no idea why I was thinking of {Qan}.

As for the comparative form “younger” in “younger generation” – I wouldn’t worry about it.  It’s just an English idiom meaning, I guess, “(noticeably) younger than us”.  I don’t see any real difference between complaining about “younger people” vs. “young people”.  If you really mean children not teenagers, say {Qupqu’} “very young” or just {puqpu’} “children”.

Hmm… I wonder if {puqpu’ qan} “old children” works for adolescents?  Or maybe pre-teens? <g>

-- Voragh

From: Jesse Manoogian

>3. For teenagers and adolescents ? as you know from KGT we have:
>nen            growth, maturation (n)
>nen            be mature, be grown-up, be adult (v)
>nenchoH  mature, grow up (v)
>*{nenHa?} would be a good way to refer to someone immature, not grown-up; in other words, an
>adolescent or teenager.  That being said, Okrand - or is it Maltz? - usually refers to them as
>?younger Klingons?, ?younger people?, ?younger speakers?, ?the younger generation?, etc.  E.g.
>So {tlhInganpu’ Qan}, {nuv Qan}, {jatlhwI’pu’ Qan}, {puq poH Qan}, etc.

Qan? The word for "to protect"?

I can't seem to find information on how to translate comparatives when there is no stanfard. There are "law'" and "puS" for constructions like "pal Qup law' pIyta Qup puS" for "Paul is younger than Peter", but how would one say "younger generation"?
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