[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: roQ

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Sun Jul 16 23:58:10 PDT 2017

Am 16.07.2017 um 11:20 schrieb kechpaja:
> To put down *what*, exactly? An object that you're holding? A rebellion?
> An injured animal who's about to die slowly and painfully? To insult
> someone?

It is not a written rule, but based on experience, it's usually the 
first appearing and most direct, most simple meaning that comes to your 
mind when you read a word.

Of course this is not always the case, and we cannot assume that 
everyone thinks of the same thing immediately, but usually, when a word 
means something that is more detailed, then the definition has 
additional information.

In this case, it would have been "pick up a rebellion", for instance.

More examples
jab - serve (food)
makes clear that you do not serve a master

baH - fire (torpedo)
laQ - fire (thrusters)
these even show two different meanings

Other words have multiple definitions seperated by a comma, to make clear:

ra' - order, command
means that you cannot ra' your food

But after all, we must remember (as ha has confirmed many times) that 
Okrand has built up the word list of TKD intentionally with ambiguous 
definitions, because he wanted to make a parody on existing travel 
guides, whose definitions aren't so clear either.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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