[tlhIngan Hol] The pronunciation of {Q}

ghunchu'wI' 'utlh qunchuy at alcaco.net
Tue Jul 11 08:21:03 PDT 2017

On Jul 11, 2017, at 3:40 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> On the other hand, it is my impression that whenever I hear the word
> {Qo'noS} I actually hear "Kronos"; my problem being that I hear an "r"
> being spoken, which according the tkd shouldn't be there.

There isn't any "r" in {Qo'noS}, but an ear unaccustomed to a sound can misinterpret what it hears. At qep'a' vaghDIch, an apparently drunk hotel guest wandered into the meeting room one evening and started asking questions (not all of which were appropriate). He heard Qov's name and tried to repeat it, saying carefully and distinctly "crove".

-- ghunchu'wI'

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