[tlhIngan Hol] My list of 19 new words revisited

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Jul 28 08:34:25 PDT 2017

Steven Boozer:
>> Hmm… I wonder if {puqpu’ qan} “old children” works for adolescents?
>> Or maybe pre-teens? <g>

> I think that {puq} is not related to age. Even with the age of sixty, one
> is still the {puq} of one's parents.

In theory, yes.  Okrand/Maltz though seems to use {puq} invariably for juveniles.  I couldn't find any examples referring unambiguously and non-pejoratively to an adult, let alone an elder.  Do you know of any?  (I haven't checked the paq'batlh.)

The exception seems to be {puqloD} and {puqbe'} as used in names: e.g. {wo'rIv mogh puqloD} "Worf, son of Mogh" or {HuS 'atrom puqbe'} "Huss, daughter of A'trom". 


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