[tlhIngan Hol] same sex marriage

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Jul 14 12:40:18 PDT 2017

Anthony Appleyard:
> Can {tlhogh} be a verb? I have it listed only as a noun.

It is now, or rather, it is again.  Think of it like the old-fashioned verb "wed" in English.  From Lieven's message yesterday:

  Maltz says that, more and more, he's hearing an older
  word, {tlhogh}. ... The noun {tlhogh} is quite common.
  It means "marriage," and it can be used for anybody
  marrying anybody. The verb {tlhogh}, however, was long
  considered quaint or archaic.

Which is why only the noun was listed in TKD.  Apparently it's making a comeback or, rather, it will be making a comeback (in the 24th century).  To quote Chief O'Brien, "I hate temporal mechanics!"  <g>  


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