[tlhIngan Hol] -bogh with the prefix trick

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Feb 14 12:10:41 PST 2017

On 2/14/2017 3:01 PM, David Holt wrote:
> How do other speakers on here feel about the prefix trick being used 
> on a verb with {-bogh}?  Can I say, {taj munobpu'bogh yaS'e'} for "the 
> officer who gave me the knife"?  Can I say, {taj'e' munobpu'bogh yaS} 
> for "the knife which the officer gave me?"  Can I say, {mujatlhpu'bogh 
> yaS} for "the officer who spoke to me"?

I see no reason why this isn't perfectly valid. Generally, what's true 
for full sentences is true for any verbal clauses.


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