[tlhIngan Hol] Rendered fat

Christa Hansberry chransberry at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 16:27:08 PST 2017

Why? I've found the discussion helpful.


Enviado desde mi teléfono inalámbrico Verizon

----- Reply message -----
De: "SuStel" <sustel at trimboli.name>
Fecha: mar., feb. 28, 2017 05:35
Asunto: [tlhIngan Hol] Rendered fat
Para: <tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org>

On 2/28/2017 12:39 AM, Ed Bailey wrote:
> What it comes down to is what his thoughts are. So I very much want to 
> hear what he has to say about *-lu'wI'*, and anyone else's reasoning, 
> particularly my own, is no substitute.

Then it's a bit unfair of you to argue with us about it on the list.


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