[tlhIngan Hol] Rendered fat

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Sat Feb 18 15:34:57 PST 2017

On 2/18/2017 5:56 PM, kechpaja wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 05:19:25PM -0500, qurgh lungqIj wrote:
>> Okay. Enough of this. If you want to insult each other take it off this
>> list!
> qoj tlhIngan Hol yIlo'. mu'qaD QaQ law' je ghaj tlhInganpu'.

qen /Facebook/Daq muHoH /'arHa /'e' buQ 'ej tlhIngan Hol lo'pu'. Saghlaw'.

mu'qaD veS vIQuj vIneHbe'. jItIchchugh jISagh.

mu'wIj moHmo' ghomvaD jItlhIj. /mIp'av/vaD jItlhIjbe'; mu'vetlh qotlh 
ghaH. ghaH vIlughmoH neHbe'chugh, mujbe'nIS. vItIchqa'Qo', 'ach DaH Hoch 
pupbe'ghachDaj vIlughmoH; pung vIchIwQo'.


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