[tlhIngan Hol] Rendered fat

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Sat Feb 18 05:37:34 PST 2017

ghItlh SapIr:

I suspect that part of the problem is that, for native speakers of

English and most other European languages, the most natural place for the
subject is before the verb. Thus, when we see *Soj vutlu'*, our
instincts tell us that *Soj* is the subject, rather than an object in a
sentence that doens't have an overt subject.

I can't speak for others who have asked this question, but placement of the object had nothing to do with my question.  I based my question solely from the perspective that the pronominal prefixes which normally indicate first- or second-person subject are used with {-lu'}.  My hope was that following that model, we could also allow {-wI'} to see the assumed object as the subject.  There is a form of "promotion" of object to subject, though admittedly incomplete, especially since the explicit object placement does not change.  I admit that I couldn't recall the results of previous discussions and so threw it in as an additional possability to be discussed for my purposes.  I was not proposing it as my best suggestion and knew there was a good chance others would shoot it down.  I accept their objections.

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