[tlhIngan Hol] using {'ej ghIq} {'ej ngugh} {'ej adverb}

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 02:26:22 PST 2017

pIj, tlhIngan Hol vIghItlhtaHvIS, tlha'chuqbogh mu'mey Sar vIlo';

ghantoH: {'ej ghIq} {'ej ngugh} {'ej adverb}..

reH, ghItlhmeH mIwvam vIlo', 'a qen wa' Doch potlh vItlhojpu'.

wa' ngoQ neH toy'law' ghItlhmeH mIwvam: DIvI' Hol 'elaDya' Hol joq ghantoH
chenqa'moH; 'e' nID mIwvam.

'a DIvI' Hol 'elaDya' Hol joq 'oHbe' tlhIngan Hol'e'; tlhIngan Hol 'oH
tlhIngan Hol'e'. vaj, {'ej adverb} ghantoH lulo'nISbe'bej tlhIngan mu'ghom.

meqvammo', {'ej adverb} ghantoH vIlonqang.

to cut a long story short, imo the {'ej adverb} pattern strives to recreate
the greek/english "feel", so it should be abandoned.

~ nI'ghma
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