[tlhIngan Hol] Hoch in noun-noun constructions

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Dec 1 05:48:20 PST 2017

On 12/1/2017 6:16 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> I guess the fact that noone replied, probably means, that there is no 
> definite answer to these questions..
> ~ nI'ghma
> On Nov 30, 2017 17:01, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com 
> <mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     If we want to say "each drum of metal" what do write ?
>     {Hoch baS 'In} or {baS Hoch 'In} ?
>     If we want to say "each group of sentences" what do write ?
>     {Hoch mu'tlheghmey ghom} or {mu'tlheghmey Hoch ghom} ?
I tried to reply, but the message didn't go through.

This is basically the same question you keep asking, regarding what in 
English is about adjective scope and ordering. My English-trained ear 
insists upon {Hoch baS 'In}, but I can't prove that that's correct in 


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