[tlhIngan Hol] android pIqaD fonts

Michael Roney, Jr. nahqun at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 09:09:38 PST 2017

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 11:51 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking at the various pIqaD fonts, I believe it is a pity there are so

I have no problem with gaining more fonts. In fact, I would love if we had
regional fonts just like we have regional dialects.
That said, I'd also prefer them to all be similar enough so that I can read
them; so I guess I want it both ways.

Open your word processor and look at all of the fonts you have to choose
from. There is no reason to think that Klingons would only stick to one

> All these variations, would raise the question: Since someone, for
obvious reasons, can't learn them all, then which one should he learn ?

I'd start with the one adopted by the KLI as it's the most common/popular.
But being able to read the others is useful for when they pop up (BoP
manual, for example).
But once again, look at all of the fonts in your word processor. Did you
have to learn them all?
I have trouble reading cursive / script, so I have trouble with those types
of fonts, but otherwise I an switch between fonts without a problem.

> Let alone the fact, that due to the way some of these characters are
designed, if someone was to write them free-hand, several of these
characters could be confused one for the other.

Typed fonts and handwriting don't have to go hand in hand.
When my son was learning his letters in school, they learned "a" and "fancy
a". The "fancy a" is found in books all the time. But almost no one writes
it by hand.
Since they were learning how to read, they needed to know to recognize the
"fancy a" as "a". But they didn't need to know how to write it (though some
of them tried).

> Anyway, I have learned (or is it learnt ?) the kli pIqaD, which appears
when someone has selected the upper-case letters.
> Although, now that I have learned (or learnt) it, I don't know where to
use it.
> ~ nI'ghma

Anywhere you want that Unicode fonts or handwriting are supported.

You can read Qo'noS QonoS in pIqaD.
And there's a comic book printed in pIqaD.


~Michael Roney, Jr.
Freelance Translator
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