[tlhIngan Hol] android pIqaD fonts

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 03:09:23 PST 2017

Since we're on the subject, there is something I've been meaning to ask for
quite some time.

I have in my desktop computer, pIqaD fonts installed.

But the kli pIqaD appears only when I have the "caps lock" pressed. If it
isn't pressed then some symbols which resemble the kli pIqaD appear, but
they aren't the usual pIqaD.

Is there a reason for this ?

~ nI'ghma

On Dec 12, 2017 19:35, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

michael lieven je, Sujangta'mo' jIbel..

..'ej lieven, nIqHom Dachupta'bogh vIwaHta'; 'a QapmeH, Do'Ha' rooted
android poQ.

jI'IQ. pIqaD vIghojta', 'a ghogh HablI'wIj vIlo'taHvIS, pIqaD ngutlhmey

chaq nIqHom 'ut luchenmoHlaH qurgh De'vID joq..

~ nI'ghma

On Dec 12, 2017 15:20, "Lieven" <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 12.12.2017 um 14:00 schrieb mayqel qunenoS:
>> Is there a way someone could install pIqaD fonts, on an android
>> non-rooted device ?
> I once had it installed, but I'm not sure that works on newer version.
> parts of the steps was installing the app iFont and download your used
> font - but I just don'T remember how it worked.
> Lieven.
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