[tlhIngan Hol] The {-chuqmoH}
sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Aug 29 09:15:37 PDT 2017
On 8/29/2017 11:52 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> jIH:
>> {HIvchuqmoH verengan Duj}
>> the ferengi ships caused each other to attack each other
> ghunchu'wI':
I wrote this.
>> That last one is the Ferengi ships cause each other to attack or the Ferengi ship
>> causes someone unspecified to attack each other. In neither case does the subject attack itself.
> I'm afraid can't understand this; why can't the subject (which in our
> example is two ships) attack itself ?
> SuStel:
>> [muv]chuq[moH] they (plural, reflexive subject) cause each other to join.
> And if the subject can't act on itself, then the above actually means
> "they (plural, reflexive subject) cause each other to join a third
> party (and not each other)" ?
Okay, basic grammar lesson.
When you use *-chuq,* it means either the subject is plural and is doing
something to each other, or the "doer" of the action is plural and is
doing something to each other.
If the "doer" is not the subject, it's because you're using *-moH* to
say that the subject is causing the doers to do the action to each
other. The doers, not the causer, act upon each other.
If *HIvchuq verengan Duj,* then the Ferengi ships attack each other.
They are both subject and doer.
If *HIvchuqmoH verengan Duj,* then the Ferengi ships are /causing/
something to happen. Either they are /causing each other to attack/
(there's no implication that they're attacking each other, just that
they're attacking /someone/), or they're /causing someone unspecified or
general /(there's no implication that it's the Ferengi ships) /to attack
each other/.
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