[tlhIngan Hol] The {-chuqmoH}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Aug 29 08:16:47 PDT 2017

On 8/29/2017 10:45 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> However, lets return to the {-chuqmoH}. We have the canon sentence
> {Qo'noS tuqmey muvchuqmoH qeylIS}.
> As you wrote: "There are two ways to interpret muvchuqmoH:
> [muvchuq]moH he (singular subject) causes them (plural object) to join
> each other and [muv]chuq[moH] they (plural, reflexive subject) cause
> each other to join."
> So, if I understand correctly what has been explained so far, then the
> following two sentences are correct:
> {verengan Duj vIHIvchuqmoH jIH}
> I caused the ferengi ships to attack each other
> {HIvchuqmoH verengan Duj}
> the ferengi ships caused each other to attack each other

That last one is /the Ferengi ships cause each other to attack/ or /the 
Ferengi ship causes someone unspecified to attack each other./ In 
neither case does the subject attack itself.

> But if I wrote:
> {verengan Duj luHIvchuqmoH cha' Duj nov}
> two alien ships caused each other to attack the ferengi ship
> {verengan Duj DIHIvchuqmoH maH tlhIH je}
> We and you caused each other to attack the ferengi ships
> Then both of these sentences are wrong.
> Is my understanding correct ?

Yes. Unless Klingon allows reflexive verbs to also take objects, which 
there is, I think, slight evidence of. For example, the thinking goes 
that you can't say *tuqlIj qun wIja'chuq.*


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