[tlhIngan Hol] Sentence as object using {'oH}

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 03:45:38 PDT 2017

> like {Sopta' 'e' teH}. But that does not work; we know that {'e'} > is
used with verbs of thinking or observation like "see",
> "know" etc. I'm sure {teH} is not one of that kind, so that
> does not work.

And the additional problem would be, that the {teH} doesn't take an object,
so it couldn't be used in a SAO after the {'e'}.


On Aug 24, 2017 1:38 PM, "Lieven" <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 22.08.2017 um 13:04 schrieb mayqel qunenoS:
>> I was wondering if the following is correct:
>> {chabHommeylIj Sopta' vIghro'wIj 'oH vIt'e'}
>> The truth is my cat ate your cookies
> You should add a colon to your english, and that will give you the Klingon
> answer:
> The truth is: my cat ate your cookies.
> chabHommeylIj Sopta' vIghro'wIj. vIt 'oH.
> I'm not saying this answers your question, but it's one way of many to
> solve your problem.
> One other thing that came to my mind: if you add "that" to the english
> phrase (it is true /that/...) I began to think about using the verb {teH}
> to say "it is true that..." like {Sopta' 'e' teH}. But that does not work;
> we know that {'e'} is used with verbs of thinking or observation like
> "see", "know" etc. I'm sure {teH} is not one of that kind, so that does not
> work. (although it would nice to have)
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka Quvar valer 'utlh
> Grammarian of the KLI
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