[tlhIngan Hol] wa' wanI' Huj

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 11:39:51 PDT 2017

tlhIngan Hol vIghojmeH, Hoch jaj mu'tay vIHaD. Hoch jaj pabDaj vIHaD.

'ej Hoch jaj, qaStaHvIS poH nI', De' chu' vIbuv.

maj.. jIbepbe'; ghojlu'meH vumnISlu'taH. ngoDvam vISovchu', 'ej capricorn
jIHmo' jIvumchoHDI' jIQuchchoH.

'a tlhIngan De' chu' vIbuvtaHvIS, Doch vImuSHa'bogh vIqaSmoHlaHbe';
tlhIngan Hol vIghItlhlaHbe', poH yap vIghajbe'mo'.

wa' jaj, *notes*wIjDaq, tlhIngan Hol bopbogh De' Hoch'e' vIchel. 'e' vISov.
wa' jaj, tlhIngan Hol De' Hoch vIbuv. not jIbupmo' ngoQvam vIchavbej. 'ej
ngugh, tagha', jIleSlaH 'ej tlhIngan Hol vItIv.


Strangely, the process of learning derives you of the goal of learning,
which is to actually enjoy whatever it is you are trying to learn.
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