[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon in Star Trek: Discovery

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Thu Aug 3 00:32:34 PDT 2017

> http://www.startrek.com/article/10-things-we-learned-about-discovery

> Mary Chieffo and Kenneth Mitchell, who play the Klingons L’Rell and
> Kol, are super-serious about learning the Klingon language. The two
> actors noted that they work closely with *** Robyn Stewart ***, the
> show’s Klingon expert, and Rea Nolan, the show's linguist, to fully
> learn the language. They practice dialogue during the three hours in
> their makeup chairs. The goal is not only to speak it perfectly, but
> to read – and understand every word – of the Klingon in their
> scripts.

This is fantastic. Though Qov was missed at qep'a' last week, I can
absolutely imagine how hard it would have been not to say anything about it.

-- ghunchu'wI'
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