[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mu'tlhegh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 31 07:06:33 PDT 2017

muH                      execute, put to death (v)

  wa' SuvwI' muHlu'DI', tuHchoH Hoch SuvwI'pu'
   The execution of but one warrior brings shame to all. (TKW)

For custodial sentences one might say *{bIghHa’ poH} or if very long (as they tend to be in the Empire) *{bIghHa’ DIS poH} “jail term, prison sentence”.


From: tlhIngan-Hol [mailto:tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org] On Behalf Of De'vID

On Aug 31, 2017 15:20, "kechpaja" <kechpaja at comcast.net<mailto:kechpaja at comcast.net>> wrote:
> Klingon word: mu'tlhegh
> Part of speech: noun
> Definition: sentence

wIghItlhtaHvIS mu'tlheghmey vIchenmoHlaH.
'ach bIghHa'Daq jIHchugh, nuq vIghaj?

qechvetlh 'oSmeH {wuq} lo' tlhIngan Hol.

{wImuHlu' net wuqHa'}
"My death sentence was commuted." (Star Trek Enterprise episode "Affliction")

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