[tlhIngan Hol] be-verbs used as adjectives and the {-chu'}
sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Aug 8 09:14:59 PDT 2017
On 8/8/2017 11:59 AM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> In Power Klingon {-chu’} is described as a qualifying suffix which
> "indicates action is performed absolutely properly." In other words,
> it’s used on action verbs. Adjectival verbs (which Okrand calls
> “qualities”) are states of being, not actions, e.g. {Doq} “be red”.
> To turn a quality into an action you need to add a suffix, i.e. {-moH}
> “cause” or {-choH} “become”.
> {'eychu'bogh chab} doesn’t work because {'ey} “be
> good/delicious/tasty” is also an adjectival verb – even with {-bogh} –
> and doesn’t take {-chu’}.
I don't think Okrand was trying to make the distinction between actions
and states here. He chose the word /action/ instead of /verb/ because
he's speaking to the layman. I think *'eychu'bogh chab* is perfectly legal.
There is an instance of *-chu'* on a quality verb in /paq'batlh:/ *qatlh
Sutamchu' tlhIH*/Why are you all silent?/
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