[tlhIngan Hol] Can the {'ar} be used on its own ?

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 8 06:16:12 PDT 2017

Every example I know of  has {‘ar} following a singular noun, but I don’t see why not – as long as it’s clear which noun you’re discussing at the moment – at least informally.  In conversation question words are often used by themselves in sentence fragments. (E.g. “Some officers were shot for defying orders.” “Really!?  Where?  How many?”)  Formal Klingon may require that the noun be stated every time.

The only prescriptions WRT {’ar}  “how many? how much?” are 1. that it follows (i.e. not precedes) the noun to which it refers, and 2. that it can never follow a noun with a plural suffix (see TKD p.70).


On Behalf Of mayqel qunenoS

Can the {'ar} be used on its own, or is it absolutely necessary to always follow a noun ?

And because it is almost certain, that someone will say "if it doesn't follow a noun, then how will the reader know how many of what/who you inquire about ?".

Then I will reply saying, that it is possible for the context of the text to specify what it is what we are inquiring about, without repeating it again.

If for instance, the text speaks of a number of officers defying orders, then can we say:

{HeQQo' 'ar ?}
How many refused to comply ?

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