[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mu'tlhegh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Aug 30 09:27:14 PDT 2017

Klingon word: mu'tlhegh
Part of speech: noun
Definition: sentence
Source: TKD

AFAIK Okrand has used {mu'tlhegh} in a Klingon sentence just once:

  lutvam bejlu'taHvIS, tlhIngan Hol mu'tlheghmey chu'qu' vIchenmoHbogh luQoylu'.
  It's [i.e. ST3] the film for which I devised Klingon...  (NASM)

and once as a "Category Title" in TalkNow!:

  Phrases (TNK)


(HQ 5.1):  The usual term for proverb is {vIttlhegh}, literally "truth rope" and formed, no doubt, by analogy with {mu'tlhegh} sentence or, literally, "word rope." 
(TKD 59):  As in any language, Klingon sentences range from the very simple and straightforward to the very complex and convoluted.

(TKD 65f.):  What is a single sentence in English is often two sentences in Klingon.

(Okrand, HQ 4.2:5-6):  What I find myself doing a lot, especially with these Skybox things... The English is these long, long complicated sentences, and I said, "no way," I'd take this long sentence and split it up into two or three. So they went and counted the periods, and said "wait a minute, we gave you two sentences, you're giving us  back six, what's going on here?" 

(HQ 12.2:8-9):   For an opera, play, story, speech, and so on, the final portion is its {bertlham}. This word usually refers to the last aria or other musical portion in an opera, last speech in a play, last sentence or so of a story or an address. The {bertlham} of a well-known work is often well-known itself, as is its beginning ("bI'reS}).

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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