[tlhIngan Hol] Special forms of law' puS
sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Aug 4 08:32:51 PDT 2017
On 8/4/2017 11:24 AM, nIqolay Q wrote:
> As far as the intentional ungrammaticality of the law' puS
> construction, as it is described in kgt is concerned.. Is someone
> allowed to make use of it regularly, or is it only to be used
> under special circumstances ?
> It's a form of wordplay, which means it's appropriate whenever
> wordplay is appropriate. You probably shouldn't do it too often, or
> when there's the opportunity for confusion, or at a very formal
> occasion, or in a situation where beginners are learning.
Only the stuff in KGT, which involves substituting different words for
the *law'* and *puS,* is called wordplay by Okrand; all the stuff from
the /HolQeD/ article about /as Q as/, /not more Q than,/ and
/differently Q than/ is presented as ordinary grammar.
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