[tlhIngan Hol] Special forms of law' puS

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Aug 4 08:20:07 PDT 2017

On 8/4/2017 10:56 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > connotes negative quality
> > (connotes disparagement, seldom used)
> What is the difference between "connotes negative quality" and 
> "connotes disparagement" ? I googled disparagement, (because I didn't 
> know its meaning), and I got the synonyms of "devaluation, debasement, 
> derogation".
> The way I understand the "connotes negative quality" and "connotes 
> disparagement", with regards to the matter we are discussing is:
> If I want to say that the qagh is as dead as a stone (which is a 
> negative quality) then I use {A Q *puS* B Q *puS}. *But if I want to 
> say that the forehead of someone's mother is smooth as a peach, and I 
> want the phrase to have the maximum insulting effect, then I will use 
> {A Q *puS* B Q *rap}. *And maybe, in the qagh example, if I want to 
> insult the chef who ccoked it, I will use again {A Q *puS* B Q *rap} 
> *instead of the {A Q *puS* B Q *puS*}*. *Or is it that the 
> "disparagement" concerns only the occupant of slot A, and not those in 
> direct relation to him as well ?
> *
> *
> Am I right ?

Disparagement is insult; negativity just means something is not good.

*qagh let puS nagh let puS
*/the qagh is as hard as a stone /(so you should improve your recipe)

*qagh let puS nagh let rap
*/the qagh is as hard as a stone/ (you incompetent chef!)

When I wrote "connotes positive/negative quality," I suppose what I 
really should have said is "used with positive/negative qualities." 
You'll use the *law'/law'* form when you're saying A has an much of the 
positive quality Q as B; the *puS/puS* version when you're saying A has 
as much of the negative quality Q as B.


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