[tlhIngan Hol] law' puS variations

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Aug 4 07:02:38 PDT 2017

On 8/4/2017 9:33 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> We know we can say:
> {la' jaq law' yaS jaq puS}
> The commander is bolder than the officer
> But can we say:
> {yaS jaq puS la' jaq law'}
> The officer is less bold than the commander ?

Okrand has not signed off on this, but I wouldn't be surprised if it 
were true. But it's not really necessary, since it is logically 
equivalent to the first sentence.

> And can we say:
> {la' jaq puS yaS jaq law'}
> The commander is less bold than the officer ?

Same answer.

> Also, we know we can say:
> {la' jaq law' Hoch jaq puS}
> The commander is boldest of all
> But can we say:
> {Hoch jaq puS la' jaq law'}
> All are less bold than the commander ?

My instinct would be no. Use the former.

> And can we say:
> {la' jaq puS Hoch jaq law'}
> The commander is less bold than all ?

I again tend towards no. If the commander is just not necessarily the 
boldest, I might extrapolate one of the legitimate forms to *la' jaq 
law'be' Hoch puSbe'*/the commander is not bolder than all./ Although it 
is not mentioned, I feel confident that this one is allowed. If the 
commander is actually the least bold of all, I'd use a different Q: *la' 
jaqHa' law' Hoch jaqHa' puS*/the commander is the un-boldest of all./


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