[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: qImroq

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 09:55:57 PDT 2016

maj. mu'tlheghvamDaq mumISmoH Doch law'; 'ej tlhoy mumISmoH *solstice* mu'..

'ach SuQIjta'mo' DaH jIyaj.

ghogh HablI'wIjvo' vIngeHta'

On 23 Sep 2016 6:11 p.m., "Steven Boozer" <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Voragh:
> >> Note {poH tuj bI'reS} "summer solstice" in the "Message to Kronos":
> >>
> >>   poH tuj bI'reS nungbogh wa' jaj qeylIS DIS chorghvatlh
> >>     loSmaH jav qaStaHvIS. [sic!]
> >>   In the days that follow the summer solstice in the Year
> >>     of Kahless 846. ('u'-MTK)
> qunnoq:
> > I can't understand how from the klingon sentence, we come to the given
> fse
> > one; all I get is "one day which precedes the hot period of time, year of
> > kahless 846 while it is happening"
> This is not a complete sentence, but a phrase answering the question:
>   ghorgh lumuch?
>   When, you ask?
> I think {poH tuj bI'reS nungbogh wa' jaj} is supposed to be "the day
> before (i.e. preceding) the beginning of the hot period".  {bI'reS} is
> being used in a kind of metaphorical sense - "summer's prologue" as it were.
> {bI'reS} "beginning (of an opera, play, story, speech, etc.)":
> (HQ 12.2:8-9):  For an opera, play, story, speech, and so on, the final
> portion is its {bertlham}. This word usually refers to the last aria or
> other musical portion in an opera, last speech in a play, last sentence or
> so of a story or an address. The {bertlham} of a well-known work is often
> well-known itself, as is its beginning ({bI'reS}).
>    For a song-but only for a song-the final portion is its {'o'megh}.
> Parallel to {bertlham}, {'o'megh} is the final phrase or so of the song,
> one that brings the song to a definite conclusion. All songs have endings
> ({'o'meghmey}), some more elaborate or stirring than others ... that
> portion of the song that comes at the beginning-a portion that is often so
> familiar that listeners know what song it is after hearing just that short
> portion-is the {namtun}.
> FYI here is Marc Okrand's complete "Message to Kronos" [September 2010,
> see http://www.u-theopera.org/]:
> Qo'noS tlhInganpu':  qeylIS puqloDpu' puqbe'pu' je.
> tera'vo' SarI'.
> Marc Okrand jIH. De' potlh vIlab.
> may' ghe'naQ[na'] lumuchrup tera'nganpu'.
> <'u'> 'oH ghe'naQ pong['e']. [sic!]
> yuQmajDaq may' ghe'naQ[na'] wa'DIch wIQoybogh 'oH
>   <'u'>['e']. [sic!]
> ghorgh lumuch?
> poH tuj bI'reS nungbogh wa' jaj qeylIS DIS chorghvatlh
>   loSmaH jav qaStaHvIS. [sic!]
> ghe'naQ Daqvo' QInvam wIlab.
> wanI'vam Dun luleghlaHmeH tlhIngan SuvwI' Duypu' bongeH
>   'e' lutul tera'nganpu'.
> qeylIS wIquvmoHtaHvIS chetlhej wIneH.
> Klingons of Kronos:  sons and daughters of Kahless.
> I hail you from Earth.
> I am Marc Okrand and I bring you an important message.
> We Terrans will be performing an authentic battle opera.
> The name of the opera is {'u'}.
> {'u'} will be the first authentic battle opera performed
>   on our planet.
> When, you ask?
> In the days that follow the summer solstice in the Year
>   of Kahless 846.
> We will place a homing device transmitting this message
>   at the site of the opera.
> We hope that you can send a delegation of honorable
>   emissaries to witness this glorious event.
> We hope you can join us while we honor Kahless.
> There are several errors - possibly typos - in the text published by the
> producers.  The version Okrand supplied may have been better.
> --
> Voragh
> tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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