[tlhIngan Hol] How to wash a black shirt

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 05:26:54 PDT 2016

qaStaHvIS poH, pay'Ha' rItlh qIj moj rItlh qIjqu'; 'e' wIyInbej Hoch maH.

toH, maghel'eghnIS: chay' wep qIj wISay'moH ?

wepvetlh wISay'moHmeH, wa'DIch ngop Say'moHmeH taS wISuqnIS.

ghIq, bIQ bIrDaq wep wIlannIS. 'ach pa' wIlanpa', HurDaq wep qoD Dop

DaH, qaStaHvIS poH ngaj neH, bIQDaq wep wIlan. ghIq pe'vIlHa' wISay'moH
ghopDu'maj DIlo'taHvIS.

tagha', bIQvo' wIlel 'ej wIQaDmoHmeH wIHuS.

'ach peyep ! jul bIngDaq yIlanQo'. rItlh qIj QIHlaH jul..

ghogh HablI'wIjvo' vIngeHta'
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