[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon etymology and the naming of new species.

Lawrence M. Schoen klingonguy at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 09:24:58 PDT 2016

The other day I received an inquiry from Stephen Heard <sheard at unb.ca>.
Stephen is an evolutionary ecologist, and he wondered whether anyone has
ever used Klingon to do a species' formal "Latin" name. I thought it was an
intriguing question, and I confess to being unaware of any intersection
between the set of Klingon speakers and the set of folks who get to name
newly discovered species. But then I thought, maybe someone on the list
might know better.

Here's the link to a blog post Stephen made on the subject:

If you have something to contribute to this idea, feel free to either
respond directly to Stephen at the email address provided above and/or
continue the discussion here on this thread.

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