[tlhIngan Hol] Marc Okrand narrates audio tour for the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum

Rhona Fenwick qeslagh at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 9 10:57:44 PDT 2016

De'vammo' qatlho'qu', loghaD! Do'Ha' tlhoy lutlh ghogh HablI'wIj, vaj Go Flight vIlo'laHbe' jIH. jImogh. yIQongchu'! Hokay, while loghaD sleeps (and before I go to sleep myself), I've had a shot at transcribing all of the ones on the website. CAUTION TO ALL: These are preliminary, not to be taken as canon just yet.


[Introductory section:] bImoDnIS'a'? Dujmey noyqu' [nIH?] Dalegh DaneH'a'? DaH Dochmey Daleghbe' DaneHbe'bogh DIDel. bISuchtaHvIS latlh Dochmey Daj Datu'bej.

[My comments: It sounded like [nIH] in the second sentence, but that doesn't seem to make any sense. Anyone else?]


St Louis toDuj: 'orwI' ghaH Charles A. Lindbergh'e'. Ryan NYP [plane type] chu' 'oH muD Duj'e' 'ej St Louis toDuj 'o[H; pronounced as {S}] pongDaj'e'. 'orta', 'ej St Louis pawta'. ghIq New York pawta'. tera' jaj cha'maH jar vagh DIS wa' Hut cha' Soch [HerSpa'meH?] New Yorkvo' tlheDta'. wa'leS Le Bourget yotlhDaq Saqta'. DIHbe'. nIteb 'atlantIq bIQ'a' chIqbogh 'orwI' wa'DIch mojta'. Qapla'!

[My comments: Like loghaD, I'd happily gloss {chIq} as "traverse, cross" - that's the only meaning that makes sense here (plus it's a sense we've hitherto lacked a verb for). We have an apparent new word in {DIHbe'}, and I'm pretty certain of that transcription. But isolated as it is I haven't got the foggiest what to make of it in terms of sense. It's not "stop" or "pause", which we have in {mev} and {yev}.]

Bell X-wa' Glennis 'IH: tera' jaj wa'maH loS jar wa'maH DIS wa' Hut loS Soch puvDI' Bell X-wa', DoDaj vItlh law' wab Do vItlh puS. Do patlhvam chavta'bogh muD Duj wa'DIch moj 'oH. X-wa' 'or SepjIjQa' muD beq Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager HoD. Do patlh vItlhqu' chavta'. qaStaHvIS wa' rep, vaghvatlh javmaH loS qelI'qam lenglaH: wab Do wa' vI' pagh jav. Yeager be'nal vanmeH, muD DujvaD «Glennis 'IH» pong Yeager.

[My comments: loghaD, you were close: it's not {vuvDI' Bell X-wa'}, it's {puvDI' Bell X-wa'}.
A couple of other comments. Firstly, in both instances of {wab Do} the stress is clearly on the first syllable, which to me would indicate that it's two words. Nonetheless, it's a collocation for "the speed of sound", in any case.
Secondly, given how strongly Marc has stuck by Klingon having no verb for "be fast" in the past, I'd tend towards a gloss of "be high (on a scale)" or similar (as opposed to {jen}), but I think we need to have that confirmed by either Marc or an overt English gloss.]

'amerI'qa' 'ev chan 'ev X-wa'maH vagh: tera' DIS wa' Hut vagh Hut bI'reS puv 'amerI'qa' 'ev chan 'ev X-wa'maH vagh. muDDaq neH muD Dujmey vorgh lu'orlu'. 'ach loghDaq puvlaH Dujmey 'orbogh nuv 'e' 'agh X-wa'maH vagh. wab Do loS, vagh, jav je lengta'. 'ej 'IvDaj jen law' HutSaD Sochvatlh wejmaH 'uj'a'mey jen puS. Do patlhvam 'Iv patlhvam je chavtaHbogh telmey ghajbogh muD Duj wa'DIch 'oH. wa'maH cha'  X-wa'maH vagh 'orwI'pu' tu'lu'. chorgh 'orwI'pu'vaD logh lengwI' Deghmey lunoblu'.

[My comments: Nothing really to note here, except that we see the recently-revealed verb {vorgh} in the wild, and also a law'/puS construction of the meaning "it was higher than X (altitude)" that shows explicitly we can use a measurement in the law'/puS construct.]

tera' DIS wa' Hut pagh wej Wright puvwI': qaStaHvIS loS tera' DISmey, puvmeH nguSDI' lo'bogh muD Duj wa'DIch luchenmoHmeH QullI' 'ej 'oghlI' Wilbur Wright Orville Wright je. tera' DIS wa' Hut pagh wej Wright puvwI' 'oH muD Dujvam'e'. bI'reS nguSDI' Hutlhbogh wej muD Duj'a'mey motlh chenmoH loDnI'pu', 'ej waH. ghIq tera' jaj wa'maH Soch, jar wa'maH cha', DIS wa' Hut pagh wej Kitty Hawk, North CarolinaDaq puvta' nguSDI' lo'bogh muD Duj wa'DIch. Qapla'! muD Duj 'or Orville. qaStaHvIS leng wa'DIch, wa'maH cha' lup, wa'maH wa' vI' vagh 'uj'a'mey lengta'.

[My comments: I can't see anything remarkable here in terms of grammar and lexicon.]

Apollo wa'maH wa' ra'ghom bobcho' Columbia: tera' jar Soch, DIS wa' Hut jav Hut, maSDaq SaqmeH Qu' wa'DIch HochHom tu['?]lu'taHvIS, wej logh lengwI'pu' pa'mey 'oH Apollo wa'maH wa' ra'ghom bobcho' Columbia'e'. Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Michael Collins je chaH.

[My comments: On the first pass I heard the verb as {tu'lu'taHvIS}, though there does sound like retroflexion there that could represent {turlu'taHvIS}, though the sense still eludes me: "While most of the first mission to land on the moon was being [X]ed..."? {tu'} is sort-of-but-not-quite-sensical in that context: "while most of the first mission to land on the moon was being observed"? I'm not sure.]

Any insights from anyone else?

QeS 'utlh
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