[tlhIngan Hol] If you don't know the words, then what are supposed to be ?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 04:04:49 PDT 2016

tlhIngan mu'tay Daghojlu'taHbe'chugh..
tlhIngan mu'tay Daghojlu'meH vumtaHbe'chugh vay'..

vaj ghaHvaD klingonist ponglaHbe'bej.

pab neH 'oHbe' tlhIngan Hol'e';
pab mu'tay je 'oH tlhIngan Hol'e'.

meqvammo' pab mu'tay je luSovnISlu'bej.

jIvchugh vay' 'ej tlhIb vaj Hoch maH numaw.

'ej vay' vImawchugh vaj qay'wI'Daj 'oHbej.

SKI: unless you know both the grammar AND the vocabulary, don't call
yourself a klingonist.
by your ignorance you're diminishing us all.

ghogh HablI'wIjvo' vIngeHta'
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