[tlhIngan Hol] [English] Using "pong" as a verb to say "my name is..." ?

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 7 08:25:54 PDT 2016

Okrand rarely uses {net}, but here are three more examples FYI:

vImuHlu' net wuqHa'
My death sentence was commuted! (ENT "Affliction")

neHmaH Da'el net tu'
[You are] Caught breaching the Neutral Zone.  (MKE)

Duj ghajchugh pagh, beylI'vo' 'oH Daje' net chaw'
If [ship is] unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. (MKE)


On Behalf Of Aurélie Demonchaux
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 8:31 AM

Also note the pronoun {net}, which is translated as "one" in English. It may be similar to the French "on".

Mmmh I checked this on the Klingon Dictionary, and looking at the examples I think the French “on” cannot be used as an equivalent here. In the case of {net], French would rather use structures such as “il s’avère que” (it turns out that…) or “Cela se sait que… / C’est bien connu que…(it is known that)”.

{qama'pu' DIHoH net Sov} <One knows we kill prisoners.>
would translate as < Cela se sait que nous tuons les prisonniers > (it is known that we kill prisoners)

{Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej} <One certainly finds it useful for the mission.>
would translate as < Cela va certainement s’avérer utile pour la mission > (this will certainly turn out / prove to be useful for the mission).

In both examples, if we use “on” in French, most likely it would be misunderstood as “we”.


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