[tlhIngan Hol] Do you consider bluetooth dangerous ?

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Sat Oct 8 11:15:55 PDT 2016

Am 08.10.2016 um 14:54 schrieb mayqel qunenoS:
> Hoch jaj, raS De'wI'wIj tlhopDaq qaStaHvIS chorgh rep jIba'taH. 'ej
> woj tlhuD bluetooth. toH jISov vIneH: Qob'a' bluetooth woj ?

jISovbe'. bluetooth 'eQway' vIlo' jIH, bluetooth lo' je nItlh 
'echletwIj. Qob'a'? jISovbe'. ghogh HablI' vIlo' je. qaStaHvIS jaj naQ 
woj tlhuD je janvetlh. juHwIjDaq DECT ghogh Habli'vIlo', 'ej tlhegh 
Hutlhbogh 'Internet jan vIlo'. Dat woj tu'lu'. jIlpu'wI' De'wI'mey vIHev je.

Qobbe' wojvetlh net jatlh. 'ach 'oH jun 'e' nID ghotpu' law'. jISaHbe' 
jIH. Qob yIn, 'ej 'oH vItIv vIneH. woj Qob junlu'chu'meH, ngem 
DabnISlu'. 'ach pa' chaq DuHoH pumbogh Sor.


aka Lieven L. Litaer
Grammarian of the KLI

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