[tlhIngan Hol] How can you live without coffee ?

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 04:41:39 PDT 2016

reH qa'vIn lutlhutlhbe'bogh nuv'e' vIyajlaHbe'..

jIHech.. maSaghchoHjaj.. pagh qa'vIn ? maSagh'a' ? po SuvemDI' chay' Suvang
? chay' SuvemchoHlaH ? 'ej DungluQ, megh boSopDI' ghIq chay' Suvang ?
qa'vIn botlhutlhnIS'a' ? Huj..

'ej jup boghomchugh, SujatlhtaHvIS qa'vIn boghajnIS'a' ?

'ej latlh Dop ghaj qay'wI'.. qaStaHvIS ram SuvumnISchugh vaj chay'
SuQongbe'laH ?

SKI: One of the greatest inventions is coffee.

ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'
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