[tlhIngan Hol] A question on tlhetlh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 26 12:32:29 PDT 2016

Unfortunately we don’t know any details.  It’s similar to the verb {Duv} “advance”, but AFAIK neither have been used or commented on by Okrand.  Ditto for the noun {Ser} “progress”.  None of these are mentioned in the list of “militaristic acts” in KGT so make of that what you will:

KGT 48:   Common militaristic acts also have associated terminology, both verbs ({DoHmoH}, "drive back"; {Hub}, "defend"; {yot}, "invade"; {weH}, "raid" [same as {yot}, really, but with the added connotation of surprise or speed]; {HIv}, "attack, assault"; {Sev}, "contain"; {HeD}, "retreat, withdraw") and nouns ({yot}, "invasion, raid, incursion"; {Hub}, "defense"). The noun {tuH} refers to a military maneuver of any kind.

OTOH the idea of advancing/progressing socially, anthropologically or technically is a fairly common one in Trek. The writers even came up with something called the “Richter scale” of culture (or is that a real thing?).  e.g.

Sigma Draconis III rated B on the industrial scale and 3 on the technology scale (equivalent to Earth year 1485), Sigma Draconis IV had an industrial rating of G (ca. Earth year 2030), and Sigma Draconis VI was a very primitive glaciated world, a prime example of a "retrograde civilization". (TOS "Spock's Brain")

Organia's primitive society rates Class D-minus on the Richter scale of culture, there having been no development of Organia's culture in tens of thousands of years. "This is not a primitive society making progress towards mechanization" (Spock, "Errand of Mercy").

Here’s my usual list of related vocabulary to give an idea of where {tlhetlh} might fit in or fill a gap:

chol                 close in, get closer, come nearer (v)
ghoS                proceed, come toward, approach (v)
jaH                   go (v)

DoH                 back away from, back off, get away from (v)
HeD                 retreat, withdraw (v)

Hach                be developed (e.g. a civilization) (v)
'Itlh                   be advanced, be highly developed (v)
vur                   be modern, be up-to-date, be state-of-the-art (v)
tay                   be civilized (v)
lutlh                 be primitive (v)

Until we have more information, feel free to use {tlhetlh} as you wish but don’t be surprised if someone challenges you.


On Behalf Of mayqel qunenoS

the verb {tlhetlh} "to progress", means "to make progress/to advance/to develop" or "to move forward" as in "the enemy progressed through klingon territory" ?

ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'
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