[tlhIngan Hol] Updating to Nougat

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 05:46:01 PDT 2016

DaHjaj ghogh HablI'wIj vIDubmeH 'oHDaq android nougat vIchelta'. 'ach
vIchelta'DI' chu'bogh Doch puS vItu'.

cha' Doch neH vIparHa':

wa'DIch: mobile data vIchu'be'chugh vaj signal ra'DuchDaq nargh Degh.
cha'DIch: vIghro' Quj. Dajlaw' Qujvam 'ej meqvamvo' vIQujchoH. toH, DaH,
vIghro'mey vIboStaH.

'ach cha' Dochvam vIbuSHa'chugh vaj Dallaw' android nougat.

'ej latlh qay'wI' tu'lu'. wen puS jIlaDpu': night mode ngaS nougat 'ej
theme Hurgh ngaS modevam. 'ach tagha' modevetlh So'ta' google. rIHlaH vay'
'e' vISov. 'ach Do'Ha' theme Hurgh ghajbe' nougat.

jIbelHa'choH.. 'a qay'be'.. vIghro'mey vIboSlaHmo' jIQuch.

ghogh HablI'wIjvo' vIngeHta'
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