[tlhIngan Hol] Vanitas Vanitatum et Omnia Vanitas

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 7 06:22:25 PDT 2016

Examples of {Hoch NOUN [singular]}:

puqloDwI' le'qu', Hoch jaj choquvmoH
My dearest son, each day you redeem me. (Frasier)

Sometimes {Hoch NOUN} is translated as "every NOUN":

DujDaj HubtaHvIS Hegh 'e' tul Hoch tlhIngan
To die defending his ship is the hope of every Klingon. TKW

Qu'Daj ta'taHvIS Hegh 'e' tul Hoch tlhIngan
To die in the line of duty is the hope of every Klingon. TKW

wo' toy'taHvIS Hegh 'e' tul Hoch tlhIngan
To die while serving the Empire is the hope of every Klingon. TKW

Hoch nuH yIqel!
Consider every weapon!
(idiom: "Consider every possibility!") KGT

Hoch DuH yIqel
Consider every possibility! KGT

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

On Behalf Of SuStel
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 7:57 AM

On 10/7/2016 2:13 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:

jIQub: 'op ret yIn nuvpu'vam Hoch wa'.

The intented meaning was "I was thinking: some time ago, each one of

these people was living (alive)".

This effect can be achieved with 'op ret yIn Hoch nuvvam some time ago each of these people lived.

When you use Hoch in front of a noun, if that noun lacks a plural suffix, the meaning is "each noun." If the noun has a plural suffix, the meaning is "all nouns." Saying "all nouns" is the only time a plural suffix is required in Klingon.
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