[tlhIngan Hol] "Any language, means any language"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Oct 25 11:06:39 PDT 2016

On 10/25/2016 1:52 PM, Christa Hansberry wrote:
> My friend who writes short stories has a character in one of her 
> stories who has the super-power (they all have super-powers!) of being 
> able to speak and understand any language in the universe. So in 
> demonstration of this ability he says a line in German, and one in 
> Welsh, followed by the declaration "vay' Hol qej vay' Hol!" which 
> baffled me ("anyone's language is grouchy anyone's language"??), so I 
> scrolled down to the footnote to see what she meant, and it said "any 
> language, means any language."
> So I tried to figure out what the correct way to say that would be, 
> but I can't figure it out, and I can't correct her Klingon if I don't 
> have a better solution myself. How would you translate this sentence? 

The *qej* obviously comes from /be grouchy, mean,/ even though that's 
the wrong kind of /mean./ Your friend got this out of the Bing 
Translator (try it!).

*vay' Hol* means /someone's language;/ I'm not sure whether *vay'* can 
be used to mean /any <thing>./

Better to reword the idea completely. Any problem with /every language?/

*Hoch Hol vIjatlhlaHbej 'ej vIyajlaHbej*
/I can definitely speak and understand every language/

Another possibility, though I'm not sure whether it's grammatically 

*Hochna' Hol vIjatlhlaH 'ej vIyajlaH
*/I can speak and understand definitely-every language/

Both of these sentences put forward the "yes, what I'm saying is really 
true" idea of the original in a way different than English.


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