[tlhIngan Hol] -bogh question

Juliana Bukoski jfbukoski at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 15:41:06 PDT 2016


I got on this list after the qep'a' last summer and it's about time that I
actually use it. So first question, about "-bogh":

According to TKD, *qIppu'bogh yaS vIlegh* means "I see the officer who hit
him/her" and *yaS qIppu'bogh vIlegh* means "I see the officer whom he/she
hit", so can you say something like *be'Hom* *qIppu'bogh yaS vIlegh*, and
if so, does it mean "I see the girl the officer hit" or "I see the officer
who hit the girl"?

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