[tlhIngan Hol] Noone left to tickle
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 11 10:44:16 PDT 2016
>> vay' qotlhlu' 'e' bajnISlu'.*
>> *If you think {net} should be used here instead of {'e'}, good eye,
>> and also see TKW p.125.
> Indeed I remember, that instead of {yadda yadda 'e' Xlu'} we say {yadda
> yadda net X}. Now, I went to TKW p.125 and read the examples:
> {yInlu'taH 'e' bajnISlu'}
> Survival must be earned.
> {yay chavlu' 'e' bajnISlu'.}
> Victory must be earned.
Two more examples from Klingon Monopoly:
Qang QanmeH yan 'ISletlh Damuv 'e' wIvlu'.
You are chosen to serve on the Yan-Isleth and
protect the chancellor. MKE
DIvI' rojmab qep ghanglu' 'e' nIDlu', 'ach taH qep.
Despite efforts to halt them, peace talks with
Federation continue. MKE
> And noticed that these examples obviously contradict the rule we're
> talking about. But I guess this is happening because (as we've said in the
> past), a lot of phrases in TKW don't follow standard Klingon grammar.
It should be remembered that even though the rules say "always" and "never," when Klingon is actually spoken these rules are sometimes broken. What the rules represent, in other words, is what Klingon grammarians agree on as the "best" Klingon."
- Marc Okrand, TKD (introduction)
...the course to follow for a student probably falls somewhere between. You don't want to go too fast and loose or too far afield because then nobody will understand what you are doing. You won't have any rules at all. You don't want to be too rigorous, either. It's not math. One of the things that I think about when I read what people have to say about Klingon sometimes is when someone argues that things have to be one way, I think, "No, it shouldn't always be like that." It should be like that in maybe 75% or 80% of the cases, but not 100%. Languages don't work that way.
-Marc Okrand interviewed (HolQeD 7.4)
The grammatical sketch is intended to be an outline of Klingon grammar, not a complete description. Nevertheless, it should allow the reader to put Klingon words together in an acceptable manner... It is not possible, in a brief guide such as this, to describe the grammar of Klingon completely. What follows is only a sketch or outline of Klingon grammar. Although a good many of the fine points are not covered, the sketch will allow the student of Klingon to figure out what a Klingon is saying and to respond in an intelligible, though somewhat brutish, manner. Most Klingons will never know the difference.
- Marc Okrand, TKD (introduction)
tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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