[tlhIngan Hol] Will it survive ?
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 12 11:45:30 PDT 2016
There’s nothing wrong with {'e' SIghba' pa' beb 'Iv} “The ceiling’s altitude obviously influences that.”
Although almost always seen in a SAO (sentence-as-objects), {‘e’} is not limited to them. Okrand wrote that:
The correct way to say "Do you think that...?" is {... 'e' DaQub'a'?}
('e' is "that," referring to something that precedes it in the sentence
or in the discussion; DaQub'a' is "do you think it?").
[msn.onstage.startrek.expert.okrand (December 12, 1996)]
Note the comment “or in the discussion”. Other examples:
'e' luSov.
They know that. TKD
'e' vIlegh.
I see that. TKD
'ej 'e' DaqaSmoHchugh jIlaj
[line unavailable] (PB, paq'raD, Canto 16:9)
And the infamous line:
'e' neHbe' vavwI'
“That wasn't what my father wanted.” (ST6 subtitle)
The controversy is the suffix on {vav}. Some people heard Azetbur say {'e' neHbe' vavoy} – she responded to a toast to Gorkon with {vavoy!} in another scene and the actress may well have repeated herself -- but that doesn’t affect the (perhaps colloquial) use of {‘e’}.
On Behalf Of mayqel qunenoS
> taHlaH pagh taHlaHbe'. 'e' SIghba' pa' beb 'Iv.
I just want to say that this sentence is wrong; it consists of two sentences joined by {pagh}, followed by the sentence after the {'e'}.
I could have written instead {chaq taHlaH. 'e' SIghba' pa' beb 'Iv}.
However I intentionally went with the "wrong" choice, because I remembered azetbur's "that is not what my father wanted". (which as I understand, to this day it continues to be a matter of controversy.
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