[tlhIngan Hol] Expressing "must"

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Wed Nov 16 11:31:53 PST 2016

jatlh SuStel:

> Yes. Kirk doesn't need to fight alone; he is ordered to fight

> alone. nIteb Suv DevwI' net poQ/ra'/qap/raD/qaSmoH.

I don't see the difference.

vIleghnIS. = vIlegh net raD

«I need to see him/her.»

bISopnIS. = bISop 'e' poQ porghlIj

«You need to eat.»

mataHmeH maSachnIS. = mataHmeH maSach 'e' qap to'

«To survive, we must expand.»

yInlu'taH 'e' bajnISlu'. = yInlu'taH 'e' bajlu' 'e' poQ 'u'

«Survival must be earned.»

DaH jIbwIj vISay'nISmoH. = DaH jIbwIj vISay'moH 'e' vIpoQ

«I must wash my hair now.»

jaghpu' mo' wIyajnIS. [slang] = jaghpu' mo' wIyaj 'e' qap to'

«We must understand the enemies' motive.»

maSopnISbej. = maSop 'e' poQbej porghDu'maj

«We certainly need to eat.»

yay chavlu' 'e' bajnISlu'. = yay chavlu' 'e' bajlu' net poQ.

«Victory must be earned.»

DIHIvlaHtaHvIS DaH DIHIvnIS! = DIHIvlaHtaHvIS DaH DIHIv 'e' ra' to'

«Attack them now, while we still can!»

vergh 'ach DIlnISbe' = vergh 'ach DIl net qaSmoHbe'

«free parking»

Qel vISamnIS. = Qel vISam 'e' poQ 'oy'

«I need to find a doctor. / I need a doctor.»

DungDaq legh 'ej QotnIStaH romuluSngan be'pu'! = DungDaq legh 'ej QottaH romuluSngan be'pu' net qap

«Romulan women belong on their backs!»

chalDaq DapawmeH wutlhDaq bInejnIS. = chalDaq DapawmeH wutlhDaq bInej net poQ

«To reach the heavens, you must seek underground.»

qaghobnISchugh maghobchuq! = qaghob 'e' Daqapchugh maghobchuq!

«I will fight you if I must!»

molor DaQapbe'nISmoH. = molor DaQapbe'moH 'e' vIra'

«Molor must be stopped.»

qeylIS HoHmeH qotar qeylIS SamnIS. = qeylIS HoHmeH qotar qeylIS Sam 'e' raD

«Kahless must be hunted down and killed.»

Qochbe'nIS. = Qochbe' net poQ

«He/she/they need(s) to not disagree. / He/she/they need(s) to agree.»

QochnISbe'. = Qoch net poQbe'

«He/she/they do(es) not need to disagree.»

ngajmo' jajvam, nom bIlopnIS. = ngahmo' jajvam, nom bIlop 'e' bIraD

«Because this day is short, you have to celebrate it quickly.*»

tugh QInvam lulaDlaH ghojwI'pu' chu' 'ej QaHnISbe' jatlhwI'pu' po'qu'. = ... 'ej QaH jatlhwI'pu' po'qu' 'e' poQbe' ghojwI'pu' chu'

«Soon the new learners can read this message and the expert speakers don't need to help.*»

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