[tlhIngan Hol] The beauty of replacement proverbs

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 06:34:15 PST 2016

> lo'chaj 'oH nuq'e' ?

Is this correct ? Can we place the {-'e'} on the nuq ? Or is the {-'e'}
only to be placed on nouns ? (and not question words that is..)

..and an irrelevant clarification:

Somewhere I wrote {qaS yIn}; I was going for {qaSqa' yIn motlh}.

ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'

On 15 Nov 2016 4:24 pm, "mayqel qunenoS" <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> jIHvaD Daj tlhIngan nugh; mu'meyvam vIjatlhchugh vaj jInepbejtaH..
> 'op wen, jIghItlhta': tlhIngan nugh vISaHbe', tlhIngan Hol neH vIparHa';
> jIHvaD Daj tlhIngan Hol neH..
> 'ach tlhIngan tIgh vIparHa'qu'bejbogh tu'lu'. 'ej qa'meH vIttlhegh 'oH
> tIghvetlh'e'.
> nuq bIH qa'meH vIttlheghvam'e' ? qatlh potlh bIH ? lo'chaj 'oH nuq'e' ?
> nap lo'chaj; QaghDI' tlhIngan, ghIq QIj'egh 'e' nIDbe'. qa'meH vIttlhegh
> jatlh neH. 'ej vIttlheghvam luQoyDI' latlhpu', SIbI' tlhInganvaD pagh
> lujatlh. qaS yIn..
> DaH, qatlh potlh wanI'meyvam ? tlhIngan qa' Dop potlh lu'aghlaHmo':
> latlhpu' nuSbe' tlhInganpu'. QaghDaj chIDDI' SuvwI', vaj lumawbe' latlhpu'.
> 'ej chay' QaghDaj chID SuvwI' ? DelnISchu''a' ? ghobe'. vIttlhegh neH
> jatlh; net poQ.. 'ej SIbI' quvDaj ghajqa'.
> meqmeyvammo', 'IH qa'meH vIttlhegh; 'IH 'ej potlh !
> qunnoH
> ghoghwIj HablI'vo' vIngeHta'
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