[tlhIngan Hol] A disturbing realization

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Nov 10 13:01:43 PST 2016

qunnoH jan puqloD:
>> letters tIn DaDeltaHchugh vaj jIjatlhnIS, lettersvam vImuSHa'! 
>> chaq, lettersvammo' neH tlhIngan Hol vIghojtaH. jIHvaD peQ'a'
>> lurur lettersvam.

> In this thread discussing {pIqaD} and fonts, it's a good time to start
> using one of the brand-new nouns revealed at qepHom 2016:  {ngutlh}
> "letter, written character".

Thoughts while (slowly) updating my notes with all the new vocabulary from the qepHom...

{ngutlh} replaces the work-around *{DeghHom}, sometimes used on this List.

And, since it's what I do <g>...

TKD 77:  Note that ch, gh, ng, and tlh are considered separate letters.

(MO via ghunchu'wI', 7/27/2009):  There are names for the individual sounds of spoken Klingon. These are not really the letters of an alphabet (though with the phonetic transcription we use, the distinction is very fine). They follow a very simple pattern: consonants' names consist of the sound followed by {-ay}, and vowels' names consist of the sound preceded by /'/ and followed by /t/. The glottal stop sound is an exception, being called {qaghwI'}, though this longish name is often eschewed in favor of a simple grunt of the sound itself.

E.g.  'at, bay, chay, Day, 'et, ghay ... 'ut, way, yay, qaghwI'.

To refer to an alphabet, syllabary, etc., we might say *{ngutlhghom} on the model of {mangghom} {army}, {mu'ghom} "dictionary" and {tIjwI'ghom} "boarding party.  *{ngutlhtlhegh} is another option - see {mu'tlhegh} "sentence" and {yutlhegh} "spectrum, (musical) scale".

pIqaD 	the native Klingon writing system (n)
Degh 		symbol (n)
mIllogh 	picture, image, (visual) depiction, drawing (n)

tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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