[tlhIngan Hol] pIqaD in Unicode--again

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Nov 10 09:00:43 PST 2016

On 11/10/2016 11:15 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> qatlho' qurgh, 'a mac osx vIlo'taH.. qay'wI'vam tI'meH mIw tu'lu'a' ?

You should be able to read the text if you download and install the 
Code2000 font <http://www.fonts2u.com/code2000.font>. This does not give 
you the tools to write in *pIqaD,* only to read it in programs that can 
make use of the font. You could probably insert characters from the 
Character Palette, but that would be very tedious.

What qurgh is pointing to is a Windows-only keyboard mapping for 
*pIqaD,* which allows you to change keyboard language and localization 
so the keys point to custom characters rather than the standard ones. He 
also provides a *pIqaD* font. His program also allows the Windows 
operating system to make use of *pIqaD.*


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