[tlhIngan Hol] new words qepHom 2016 (geography)

André Müller esperantist at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 17:44:29 PST 2016

Odd. Marc had given us the word for Burma/Myanmar before, when he wrote
birthday greetings on my Facebook wall, 2 years or so ago. Then he used the
spelling {mIyanma} though.

Now the spelling is {mIyama}. Either one of them is wrong, or both are

Note that "Myanmar" in Burmese is really pronounced without the final -r
and without the -n. Actually the correct pronunciation is [mjəma] or
sometimes [mjæ̃mma], so perhaps the second one is the more correct version.

Maybe I shall ask him about that. And great for me (and for De'vID) to have
a name for Switzerland! I was already thinking about the correct way...
SIwayItlh ~ SIwItlh ~ SIwIS ~ SIwItSera' ~ SIwISra' ~ Helvetya' crossed my
mind. And I am very happy to even get the name of the biggest river in
Burma, the Irrawaddy / Ayeyarwady, as I am there quite frequently. :)

- André

2016-11-07 11:07 GMT+01:00 Lieven <levinius at gmx.de>:

> The TalkNow: Learn Klingon software only contained a basic list of country
> names, which ist standard in their app. Maltz revealed some of the other
> countries, but also some interesting geography terms:
> ---begin quote---
> Andorra                 'anDo'ra'
> Argentina               'arHentInya'
> Austria                 'oSteray'
> Belgium                 belghIya'
> Brazil                  bIraSIw
> Burma/Myanmar           mIyama
> Cuba                    quba'
> Czech Republic          cheSqa'
> Ecuador                 'eqwaDor
> Estonia                 'eStIy
> Georgia                 SaQatvelo'
> Iceland                 'ISlan
> Ireland                 'eyre'
> Kenya                   qenya'
> Libya                   lIbya'
> Liechtenstein           lIHtentay'
> Luxembourg              letSeburgh
> Morocco                 maghrIb
> Nigeria                 nayjerya'
> Poland                  po'lISqa'
> Slovakia                SIlovenISqa'
> Syria                   Surya'
> Switzerland             SuwISya'
> Venezuela               veneSwe'la'
> The best Klingon word to use for the Terran idea of "country" (Germany,
> Sweden, Nigeria, etc.) is {Sep}.
> The word for "grid" on a spreadsheet (tlhat) can also be used for the
> lines (grid) on a map.
> equator (n.)                            ghaptal
> remote, small, desolate place (n.)      naw'wat
> Allegheny (River, Mountains; US)        'a'leghen'I'
> Irrawaddy (River in Burma/Myanmar)      'eyawaDIy
> Jerusalem                               yeru'Sala'yIm
> New York                                nuyorgh
> Pittsburgh (US)                         pItlhbergh
> Continents (Terran)
> Africa                                  'avrI'qa'
> Antarctica                              'antartIq
> Australia                               'aSralya'
> Asia                                    'aSya'
> Europe                                  'ewrop
> North America                           'amerI'qa' 'ev chan 'ev
> South America                           'amerI'qa' tIng chan tIng
> ---end quote---
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka Quvar valer 'utlh
> Grammarian of the KLI
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