[tlhIngan Hol] new words qepHom 2016 (geography)

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Mon Nov 7 02:07:04 PST 2016

The TalkNow: Learn Klingon software only contained a basic list of 
country names, which ist standard in their app. Maltz revealed some of 
the other countries, but also some interesting geography terms:

---begin quote---
Andorra			'anDo'ra'
Argentina		'arHentInya'
Austria			'oSteray'
Belgium			belghIya'
Brazil			bIraSIw
Burma/Myanmar		mIyama
Cuba			quba'
Czech Republic		cheSqa'
Ecuador			'eqwaDor
Estonia			'eStIy
Georgia			SaQatvelo'
Iceland			'ISlan
Ireland			'eyre'
Kenya			qenya'
Libya			lIbya'
Liechtenstein		lIHtentay'
Luxembourg		letSeburgh
Morocco			maghrIb
Nigeria			nayjerya'
Poland			po'lISqa'
Slovakia		SIlovenISqa'
Syria			Surya'
Switzerland		SuwISya'
Venezuela		veneSwe'la'

The best Klingon word to use for the Terran idea of "country" (Germany, 
Sweden, Nigeria, etc.) is {Sep}.

The word for "grid" on a spreadsheet (tlhat) can also be used for the 
lines (grid) on a map.

equator (n.)				ghaptal
remote, small, desolate place (n.)	naw'wat

Allegheny (River, Mountains; US)	'a'leghen'I'
Irrawaddy (River in Burma/Myanmar)	'eyawaDIy
Jerusalem				yeru'Sala'yIm
New York				nuyorgh
Pittsburgh (US)				pItlhbergh

Continents (Terran)
Africa					'avrI'qa'
Antarctica				'antartIq
Australia				'aSralya'
Asia					'aSya'
Europe					'ewrop
North America				'amerI'qa' 'ev chan 'ev
South America				'amerI'qa' tIng chan tIng

---end quote---

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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