[tlhIngan Hol] Expressing must with imperatives

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Nov 24 06:51:50 PST 2016

On 11/24/2016 5:57 AM, mayqel qunenoS wrote:
> What does the "must' express, if not an imperative of sorts ? When I
> say "you need to do this", often I mean "you must do this"

Yes, that's what I've been trying to say about that.

> I could write:
> {tlhIngan Hol DaghItlhmeH Hol nov DamughtaHvIS, Hol nov qa'
> yIchenqa'moH}. and then, if it is necessary I could add a {'ut}, a
> {net poQ} or whatever else (although I think that they rarely would
> be).

If you're the one imposing something on someone else, yes, you can do 
this. But what if you're the one upon whom conditions have been placed? 
What if you're a third party who is neither imposer or imposee?


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