[tlhIngan Hol] Similar attracts Similar

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 04:22:02 PDT 2016

> Daghov'egh 'e' DaHar.

Is the {Da-} on the {ghov'egh} correct ? I thought that when the
{-'egh} is used, the verb prefix must indicate no object. Is there
grammar here at work, which I'm obviously missing ?

other than that..

meq vISovbe' a' ngoDvam vIHarbej : qa'wIj chIwchu' tlhIngan Hol.

vIleghpu'DI', wa' lumoj rIntaH tIqwIj tlhIngan Hol je. meqvammo',
'oqranD vIvuv 'ej vIHo'.

Hol chenmoHta' oqranD, jIHvaD Doch law' 'oSbogh Hol.

reH murIt tlhIngan Hol ; jIHvaD peQ rur Holvam. peQchemDajDaq mujonpu'
'ej DaH tlhIngan Hol ghajbe'chugh
yInwIj, vaj yInvetlh vIjallaHbe'.

chaq jItaQ ; jISovbe'.. 'ach tlhIngan Hol vImuSHa'chu'. 'ej
vImuSHa'chu'mo', pIn'a' vImojbe'chugh vaj not jIleS !

mop Hurgh

2016-06-25 7:48 GMT+03:00 Ed Bailey <bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com>:
> meq law'mo' tlhIngan Hol HaDlu'.
> mupIlmoH 'op meq.
> jIvaQ 'e' vIchID. vaj tlhIngan vIHo'. reH jIghoHrup. jIQuptaHvIS pIj latlh
> puqloD vIghobtaH. qaStaHvIS yInwIj naQ, Seng vIDoHqangbe'. pIj maSol
> be'nalwI' jIH je. vaQ be'nalwI', tlhIngan be' rur.
> Hov leng qatru' jIH 'ej muvuQ thlIngan nugh.
> tlhIngan Dujmey velqa'Hom vImutlh 'ej velqa'meywIjvaD tlhIngan permey lugh
> vIchenmoH vIneH.
> Holtej jIHbe' 'a jIHvaD Daj HolQeD. Dajbogh ngong law' chaw' Hol
> 'oghlu'bogh.
> latlh jatlhwI'pu' pIlmoH latlh meqmey. chaq mupIlmoH 'op meqmeyvam je.
> peghmeH Hol lo'laH.
> ghunwI' chaH jatlhwI' law''e'. ghunwI'vaD De'wI' ngoq rurlaw' tlhIngan Hol
> 'e' vIHar.
> tlhIngan Hol DaghojDI', le'bogh ghom mach Damuv. bItaQ 'e' Datob je.
> chaq DuqaDmo' tlhIngan Hol, DaghojnIS 'e' Daqap.
> tetlh naQbe' vImuchpu'.
> --
> mIp'av yergho
> bu''a'
> baHwI'
> IKAV chuch 'etlh
> My modeling blog:          http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/
> My other modeling blog:  http://bellerophon.blog.com/
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