[tlhIngan Hol] 'op Human be'..

Christa Hansberry chransberry at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 10:33:17 PDT 2016

---quote: qunnoq---

reH, naDev pawta'DI' vay' 'ej mu'meyDaj qab law' mu'mey'wIj qab puS,
bep pagh ! pagh'e' !
always, whenever here some new guy arrived, whose requests were way
more absurd than mine, noone complained ! noone !

wa'logh jatlhta' vay' : vatlh law' mu' ghajDI' tlhIngan Hol, ngugh
vIghajqang ! qaSpa' ghu'vam vIghojQo !
someone once wrote : only when klingon possesses several thousands
words, I will be willing to learn it. not before !

'ej ngugh chay' Suvang ? Subep'a' ? ghobe' ! ghaHvaD jeghta' Hochmey
po'wI'pu' !
and then what did you do ? did you complain ? of course not ! all
senior members surrendered.

tlhIngan Hol ghojqangQo'bogh vay'vaD, Sujeghta'..
for someone who didn't want to learn klingon you surrendered..

mu'meyDaj vIjatlhta'DI', qaSpu'pa' wa' lup neH, tuHIvbej.
if I had spoken his words, you would have attacked me in an instant.


Well, you can't see what went on off-list... but maybe they thought "What a
weirdo!" and decided to ignore him. Actually, if you're thinking of the
same "new guy" I'm thinking of, most of his messages went to my spam
folder, so that might have happened to some others too, and then they
wouldn't have seen his messages, to be able to attack them. I don't have a
very clear memory of that incident, but I haven't seen or heard from him
recently... and what do you mean be "surrendered"? It's not like they said,
"Oh! Well if you put it that way, here, a bunch of new words!" It seems to
me, from what I remember, that it was more like, "Ookie, you can count
grains of sand all you want, but Klingon is what it is, so if you don't
like it, don't bother with it!" But my memory's pretty sketchy...

And I did observe that you said " 'op" and not "Hoch"; surely there are
many things true of "some human women", that don't apply to all, and I'm
perfectly fine with assuming that "some" doesn't include me, and thus don't
really have any reason to be offended. *shrug*


On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:50 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> meq DamoghchoHmoHbogh vIlajchu' ; tlhIHvaD nuv qab jIHba'.
> I understand your frustration ; you obviously believe I'm the bad guy.
> 'ach (potlhqu'bogh wa' ghelmeH mu'tlhegh napqu') Daqelbe'ba' : naDev,
> 'Iv mawbejta' 'Iv.
> but obviously you're not considering one -so simple yet so important-
> question: who actually offended who in this list.
> ngoDmey potlh tu'lu', ngaDmey DaSovbe'bogh.
> there are important facts, which you do not know.
> toH, qawmeH tawDaq mayItjaj..
> so, lets take a stroll down memory lane..
> naDev vIpawta'DI', 'oH ghelmeH mu'tlhegh wa'DIchwIj'e' : darthvaD mu'
> tu'lu'a' ?
> as soon as I arrived here, my first question was : is there a word for
> darth ?
> 'a SIbI' - (QIn ngeHmeH Daq'e' ghajbogh ghaH neH) lo'taHvIS, jIHvaD
> jatlhlu'ta':
> but immediately, someone contacted me off list and said :
> mu'mey chu'vaD yIghelbe' ! mu'mey chu'vaD bIgheltaHchugh, vaj pIlajQo'.
> don't ask for new words ! if you continue asking you will be banned.
> 'ej mawchu'meH mu'mey lo'ta'.
> and the way he said this was quite rude.
> religious terminologyDaq QIn ghom, tlhIngan ghojmeH mIwvaD maja'chuq ;
> 'ej (QIn ngeHmeH Daq'e' ghajbogh ghaH neH) lo'taHvIS, jIHvaD
> jatlhqa'lu':
> at the religious terminology thread, we were discussing the klingon
> learning process ; and again I was threatened off-list :
> tlhIngan Hol Dalo'be'chugh, vaj pIlajQo'.
> if you don't use klingon, then you will be banned.
> 'a -ngugh- chay' tlhIngan Hol vIlo'laH jay' ? taghwI' neH jIH.
> but at that time, how could I be able to use klingon ? I was just a
> beginner.
> DaH, qaStaHvIS jar veb, pabvaD jIgheltaHvIS - pab naDlu'Qo'bogh -,
> jIHvaD mu'mey Doch lujatlhqa'lu'ta'.
> during the next months, even while I was asking for grammar, but
> grammar which someone didn't approve, then again rude words were said.
> 'ej jIjatlhta'DI' : mojaq chu' vIparHa' vaj poSchoHpu' ghe''or lojmIt !
> and when I said : I would like a new suffix, once more the gates of
> hell opened !
> 'ach peloS ! qaSbogh latlh wanI' law' tulu' je..
> but wait ! there is more..
> reH, naDev pawta'DI' vay' 'ej mu'meyDaj qab law' mu'mey'wIj qab puS,
> bep pagh ! pagh'e' !
> always, whenever here some new guy arrived, whose requests were way
> more absurd than mine, noone complained ! noone !
> wa'logh jatlhta' vay' : vatlh law' mu' ghajDI' tlhIngan Hol, ngugh
> vIghajqang ! qaSpa' ghu'vam vIghojQo !
> someone once wrote : only when klingon possesses several thousands
> words, I will be willing to learn it. not before !
> 'ej ngugh chay' Suvang ? Subep'a' ? ghobe' ! ghaHvaD jeghta' Hochmey
> po'wI'pu' !
> and then what did you do ? did you complain ? of course not ! all
> senior members surrendered.
> tlhIngan Hol ghojqangQo'bogh vay'vaD, Sujeghta'..
> for someone who didn't want to learn klingon you surrendered..
> mu'meyDaj vIjatlhta'DI', qaSpu'pa' wa' lup neH, tuHIvbej.
> if I had spoken his words, you would have attacked me in an instant.
> DaH..
> 'Iv jImawpu' ? pIqarD, wo'rIv ? yInbogh nuv chaH'a' ?
> who did I offend ? picard ? worf ? are they real persons ?
> nuv lujallu'ta'bogh chaH jay' ! toH, nuq 'oH qay'wI''e' jay' ?
> they are FICTIONAL characters ! so what's the problem ?
> mu' {'op}'e' lo'ta' 'op be'pu' QIn. mu' {Hoch} lo'be'ta'.
> the 'op be'pu' message used the word {'op}, not the word {Hoch}.
> 'ej ghojmeH nabwIj vIchenmoHta'mo', meqvammo' DaH tupIch ?
> and because I created a plan in order to learn, because of that reason
> you blame me ?
> SIbI'Ha' mejta'ghachwIj bopmo' nabwIj, tupIch ?
> because my plan eventually concerns my leaving, you blame me ?
> 'ach, DaH qaStaH DungluQ, 'ej qa'vInwIj vItlhutlhnISbej.
> but now its noon, and I really need to drink my coffee.
> DaHjaj qeqmeH mIwvaD -jIHvaD mIw boqaSchoHmoHbogh-, qatlho'..
> for today's training -which you provided for me-, I thank you..
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:26 PM, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 15 June 2016 at 10:09, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> juppu' vISuqmeH naDev jIHbe'. 'ej jIHvaD pagh 'oH tlhIngan Hol nugh
> >> laj'e'. pagh'e' ! pagh'e' !
> >
> > tlhIngan Hol DaghojtaH 'e' mevlaHbe' tlhIngan Hol nugh. 'ach
> DunaDHa'laHbej.
> >
> > --
> > De'vID
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