[tlhIngan-Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: wID

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Jun 2 07:57:20 PDT 2016

 'ej Dojmey wID - vInDa'ma' peq.
  He has killed many of our people. STID
 ("and he massacred multitudes - he slaughtered our compatriots")

HoH       kill
chot      murder
Hay'      duel
muH       execute, put to death
peq       slaughter ("connotes intention, targeting specific victims")
ghoQ      be just killed (meat)

Klingon Word of the Day for Thursday, June 02, 2016

Klingon word: wID
Part of speech: verb
Definition: massacre (connotes indiscriminate killing)
Source: Star Trek Into Darkness, qepHom 2013

This Klingon Word of the Day is brought to you by qurgh (qurgh at wizage.net<mailto:qurgh at wizage.net>).
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